Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SRV and DT Anecdote

Soon there will be a new post that was sent to us by our founder Joshua Jet Vaughan.  It is an anecdote about Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble that you will NOT want to miss out on!!!!

~The GSET Team

Monday, July 13, 2015

Reiteration Explanation Purpose

First, I want to explain some different variables in my prior posts.  I have talked much about my past and much of my accomplishments. As it is well known, I have had serious health issues.  A lot of ups and downs, but the fact of the matter is is that I am always suffering.  As of late, I have been very sick. Obviously, this affects how my body feels, it affects my heart, and it affects my mind.  But they all go hand in hand.

When talking about my past, when I was in health, I do not talk about the things that I accomplished to brag, or try to impress others, ultimately what I am trying to convey is through my accomplishments, as I have gradually gotten sicker to the point of the last ten years where it has been torturous, except for a small amount of time when I was in remission; I am trying to make aware of how hard it is to lose these things that not only have I been gifted with, but have worked so hard. to accomplish.  I would utilize my day better than almost everyone.  I have talked about sports and how I had excelled at them.  About my schooling.  About my music.  

At the age of 34 to 35, when in remission, I was able to do so much more with my music.  And as I've stated before, there's not very many people who have heard this as I quickly became ill again.  I don't know if going through my youth, if I had not done as much as I had, if what I am trying to convey would register with the same amount of voracity and intensity.  I've never taken it for granted, but once you have lost, as opposed to never having in the first place, you gain a whole different appreciation for life.

A few times in my posts I have ranted. That is not of my nature.  I have a great sense of humor and am naturally laid back.  But I would be remiss if I did not state that this is directly because of my health.  We all have different moods and we all should appreciate them.  When they are not the ones you want as they are outside of your control, it makes it far more difficult: as you are not hearing yourself as the way you are.  Yet, subconsciously you recognize the difference to where time comes that it is abundantly clear that this is not your usual way of speaking/doing things.

I believe that we as people get so wrapped up in ourselves, we forget about others.  There are many who don't.  But that is few and far between.  I don't have the same outlets as I  had before and until I get better, I do the best with what I have.  Simply saying, it really affects my attitude and position on various topics.  I also note, through multimedia, a lot of different things can get lost in translation.. I had spoken about being All-American in several sports.  But I wanted to reiterate something about the Olympics.  During high school I had several times in the sport of track and field that if I had these times, when trying out for an Olympic competition, would have allowed me to qualify.  But I did not try out in the sport of track and field.  I had ran in several invitationals after I had graduated high school, but was preoccupied with foot ball, basketball, and school, eventually music, and of course my deteriorating health.

What I was talking about was specifically this.  NORBA.  Which stands for National Off-Road Biking Association.  When I was 18, I bought my first real mountain bike.  The brand is Specialized.  By the time I was 19, NORBA had come to the small area that I was living in in the summers, when off from school.  During this year, mountain biking was allowed into the Olympics.  There were six races throughout the United States that allowed you to qualify in a various amount of styles in the sport of mountain biking, to compete in the Olympics.  One of these competitions, there was a qualifying event/s, again was at a place near my local hometown.

I had a sponsorship for mountain biking.  It wasn't much.  But it paid for certain things; including my NORBA membership, which at the time was only $35/year anyway.  There were different events staged throughout a weekend.  When I had said I had qualified for three Olympic events, it was based upon the fact that I had qualified in the racing portion of mountain biking, the downhill portion and the freestyle portion.  This was in the beginning of summer, and it was the first of the six events that would be considered Olympic trial/qualification events.  Again, I wanted to explain this, as many of times, due to the lost in translation that happens throughout multimedia, it can come across as bull or some form of delusion of grandeur.

Getting to purpose.  What I am trying to explain through everything that I state about my life, is the fact that for years, I have believed that I have had several purposes, but one specific purpose as far as what I do for a living.  Personally, I have never succeeded or exceeded my expectations because of health, in fact it is very hard to go back and look at the times where I was healthy, revisit them at all, as even though it is very hard to remember what that feels like, the memories are there none the less.  Up until music, I believed that athletics were my greatest gifts and talents.  Though I must say, music is what I've believed and known for many years now, yet I have not come close to what I am truly capable of and again, very few people have heard this.

It becomes very difficult as the days go on and my life is literally going backwards.  It is difficult for me to open up about all of my symptoms.  It is so hard to talk about them as I am feeling them at this very moment.  My agility, coordination, presence of mind, has been lost.  Every time I post on my Blogger, someone, including my wife, is typing for me.  My brain can't figure out how to do it.  No I was never a great typist, but it wasn't tedious, it was just typing.  As this keeps going on , as my health keeps deteriorating; I struggle to find the purpose inside of the purpose that I was born for.

In my early 30's when I was very ill, I thought it can not get any worse.  I had written a screen play, which at the time was very difficult, but I literally believed I was going to die and as there were no subsequent recordings of my music, I believed if I could just get my story out, and record one album along with a soundtrack/score I would be okay with that.  Then I got a little better.  My voice was incredible.  My guitar was far better, but it was much more labor intensive because of the pain I was still enduring.  I was able to laugh again.  And I believed that this was the time that everything was going to come together.  I had met my wife.  I was getting back into shape.  I was honing those skills that I had lost.  And it seems like just as overnight I got a little bit better, I got a lot worse.   I have had to do rewrites for my movie, which has been very difficult, not just because my health is so bad, but I am trying to convey something that I don't even understand.  I have tried to finish my album and soundtrack/score, but my voice and my fingers for playing the guitar, are just not there.

On a personal note, I was considered one of the so called popular kids, the "cool" kids in high school.  A jock.  To be honest, I hated high school. I couldn't wait to get out. I was a really good kid.  I valued friendship, family; I always stood up for the kids who were being bullied.  I helped them out with money, clothes, food.  I couldn't see high school as the end all be all.  So when I talk about that part of my life, there's not a lot of meaning in it.  Those were not my best days.  And if I could go back, this is now just my current way of thinking, I would only do so to not feel sick anymore.

 There is not a day, not a second that goes by that I am not in pure agony.  So when I talk about my athletics, or my music, or my education, to me they were easy, it was nothing, in fact the effort I put forth in one minute of each day to deal with the pain and suffering that I am going through, if I were to have done that with anything else in my life, I would be the best of the best.  I think that is my point. When people read my stories and think how could you have done so much.  I think how could I have not done more?  I know for a fact that in my health life is very easy.  I do not like to quote sayings in movies, but there is one in particular that says: only in the face of death do you truly know who you are.  That statement is not true.  Death is easy.  It is only in the face of suffering, torture, turmoil, where you welcome death, but will not give into it do you finally find and know yourself.

Sometimes I talk about things that are not relevant to others.  I have spoken often of how celebrities act and how inappropriate and juvenile it is.  I suppose I do this for many different reasons.  When in my health, I am focusing on my own life and helping others.  I really don't, or wouldn't take the time to voice my opinion on issues like this. But sometimes I can't help myself.  I have learned that when we take on something in life, we better be responsible to the fullest.

We can't half ass it, and we can't take it for granted.  When I was talking about celebrities recently, specifically about Twitter/Facebook, when you are creating a page that is simply to promote yourself as opposed to connect, I believe that is irresponsible.  Some days, I think nothing of it.  Other days it takes one thing to get me pissed off. I don't know if I would voice this differently in my health.  In fact, I can't tell you if I would even have a Blogger.  I do know if I had a Twitter or Face book page in my health I would do it completely different.  I know for a fact that my opinions would be voiced in a different manner.

To give you an example: at the age of 34 when I had met my wife, I had heard of Face book, Myspace, but I had absolutely no idea what it was.  When I found out as my wife Anna explained and showed me hers, I thought it was ridiculous.  I signed up for Twitter in 2011, but did not become active on it until a year ago.  Some days I think how silly it is.  But other days I think of the opportunity it creates.  The opportunity to connect with people.

See, I think that's what it's all about.  The more we connect with people in all different forms, especially in a forum that so many things can get lost in translation, the more we learn tolerance, how to read between the lines and give the benefit of the doubt.  How to get outside of our own little bubble of a world  and inside of a world that has no bubble.  You would expect me to say this the other way around, inside, then outside.  It is very easy to be on the outside of something looking in and pass judgment, but it takes a lot of learning and tolerance to be on the inside of something and look out and form an opinion based upon knowledge, education, compassion, without passing judgment.

Remember, speaking your mind is not passing judgment.  If there's no condemnation felt in your heart for yourself or another.  If your best interest is to use yourself or another as an example as to how things should be done or shouldn't be, we should appreciate that.  Even if we're the person being used as the example and either way.  There are people who have incredible stories.  So many of them want their story to be heard, but for some reason, only want to tell the person that has the biggest voice.  Unfortunately, the person in this world, the person with the biggest voice is the person less likely to hear yours as their story, to them, is the only one that needs to be shared.  That's where the term United We Stand comes in.

 We all have individual purposes.  But I believe we are connected together like a puzzle.  And without each of us using our voice as a  puzzle piece, we can not connect for our united, universal purpose.  I always found it intriguing the six degrees of separation.  Before multimedia, I found this to be true.  Somehow someone in New York knew me, and something about my life in Los Angelos.  Somehow there was a connection where we knew the same person.  I have found that to be true on many multimedia sources.

 I find that if we take more time for the family and friends that we have on Twitter and Face book, we would be amazed at how we are so connected.  Making things so much more personal and in this; it makes us want to look out more for each other.  It's sad that it takes this, but it is an opportunity.  So through my stories, as I have spoken about identity, we are never just one thing.  Many times we have accomplished greatness in many things, but they are overlooked by one specific thing, the one thing that is recognized by the world.  All the things I do, especially music are a part of me.  And I think that if we really focus on this, we will understand that what we do for a living is simply the start of showing who we are to the world.  It is our platform.  And we need this to dream, to hope, to survive.

Having balance in our lives is so important to purpose.  Without it, the only purpose we serve is ourself.  We live in this world, but can not be of this world.  For if we are of this world then we are not of the Lord.  And it simply comes down to your heart.  It is not money being the root of all evil, it is the love of money.  Same as fame. If one person is falling over, another has the duty to help hold this person up.  But this burden falls on every man, to where it forms a perfect circle to where if were all holding each other up there is no burden what so ever, just support through purpose.

~Joshua Jet Vaughan~

Post Script: I have often talked about self promotion.  I have many friends in life that are considered celebrity.  I have developed incredible relationships with friends in the US and overseas, on Facebook and Twitter, that are also considered celebrities.  Many of my friends on these multimedia sites promote, but it is not the typical definition of self promotion.  If they read this, they know who they are.  Yes, we all know what they do and they do put that out here for people to see. But I believe that ultimately it is not simply to benefit their career.  This is the self part.  I have learned a lot of these people.  They take much of their time to talk, to share, as I'm sure they are very busy.  But I have gotten to know many of these people better than I know some of my own family members.  They have great senses of humor, they are very talented and gifted, they are hard workers.  Many of them take the time to personally respond and I understand on these multimedia sites how hard it is.  Sometimes it's hard to end a conversation, you don't quite know how to do it.  But I have noticed that it is never the sharing of one particular thing over and over again.  They share about their career.  Their life, their family, their hobbies.  Their charities.  Their contributions.  They share other people with you.

 Other conversations, trying to connect more people to each other.  Creating friendship and a sense of family and responsibility.  This is not what I consider to be self-promotion.  I believe if you are self-promoting to gain a better box office ticket result when you are seen everywhere.  Where you already are being promoted.  That is where I deem this self-demotion.  And self-promotion is fine when it comes from self-emotion.  Many times in life, what you do is a reflection of who you are.  But more so, it's how you do it.  In the world of celebrity, we become fanatical over this.  Have you ever taken a look at the award shows, the excitement over winning an award?  During the award shows that I have went to, there are the people that extremely famous that are still seeking fame.  But I see a lot of celebrities that it's more about, really and simply, hanging out with their colleagues and having a good time.  The show is just a way to do it.

A way that is organized.  Kind of like a high school dance.  We see these people everyday but never get to really interact in a light environment.   But in this same sense of it being like a high school dance, its like high school immaturity.  Celebration after celebration after celebration.  I noticed during Spike's annual Guy's Choice Awards, as I had went to a couple of these, that people are really there just to have a blast.  When I voice about celebrity, what I am really trying to say is that we need to interact with the people that truly support us.  It is a form of entertainment.  And we need this.  But if you get down to what we are doing, it has become this obsession with fame and money over sharing, caring, and changing the world.  Music is lost.  Up until about the 90's you could throw a coin in any direction, and hit a band that has written a song/songs that have dramatically changed the world for the better.  Not anymore.  Movies.  Remakes of remakes of remakes.

 We need to get in the new blood. Most of the people that are going to do this are probably from the age of 30 to 70.  I have not been one for reading as of late.  Except for one of my personal friends, who to me has brought back the art of writing, a book that is researched, and has spent an incredible amount of time in the articulation of the writing.  Where there is no way to misinterpret.  Athletics are not the same anymore.  We do have some good representatives.  But the men who represent many of the sports out there, I do not consider men.  It is different than when I was young.  So back to multimedia.  If you know someone personally and have their phone number, you see them on a daily or weekly basis and these are all you have as your Twitter and Facebook friends, then how are you reaching out and connecting to anyone else? That is something that we do in our youth, because it makes us feel safe, to walk amongst the same friends that we see on a daily basis.  As we get older, we learn that we want to reach out.  I've always been a people watcher.

  I remember watching television one time with my wife, it was an interview on Jimmy Fallon, and there was a person in the middle of a story and the cable cut out.  Actually, I believe it was the Emergency Broadcasting Test.  And I missed the end of the story.  And it bothered me.  It's like missing a punchline to a great joke.  But without the punchline, you don't know if the joke is great or even good.  I suppose that's what life is like.  Wanting to know each other's stories.  So again, on this point I wanted to reiterate.  Because of my moods that I have through my health, or lack there of, I don't always voice both sides, and on that part of doing things, I would be irresponsible.  In ending, a lot of us who are in the same fields, for instance movies, music, and I speak of these because this is what I have done for many years for a living, many people are afraid to speak their minds.  Afraid of condemnation and retribution.  But we have great examples of people who handle with care.  I have had many experiences with several people that I have known  in my life that have blocked me over absolutely nothing on Twitter and Facebook.

Before I go on, I want to say that the friends that I have on these multimedia sites are incredible.  They know who they are.  But I want to talk specifically, and lastly about Terry Crews.  He was doing the latest revamp of Who wants to be a Millionaire, and a lady had written to him about some of his ridiculous and obnoxious sayings, gestures, and though most people would get angry with this, Terry replied to this woman in an incredible manner, doing so personally on Facebook, and thanked her for it.  The point is is sometimes, we are so aware of ourself that we are unaware of ourself.  And it never hurts to get a little feedback and constructive criticism.  We simply must walk softly when doing so, be convicted and bold, yet kind.  And on the opposite end, we must have an open heart and open mind to know that we are infallible, and to know that when we are in the spotlight we have a responsibility to represent and support these people that have supported us and have helped make our careers.  Our best representation of ourselves is to take the time to interact with those who have something to say to us. The louder our voice travels, the more we should listen.